Living under a fascist regimeAn unjust, abusive government still has a lot of interest to use the means of propaganda to preserve the image of being a democracy, with equal rights for all. It's simply unlikely that any leader turns around and bleakly states his disregard for the voting majority, only rarely those comments surface. But it takes just a little bit of thinking to unveil the ruling class in a so-called democracy as a bunch of hypocritical liars.
Today's news in SBS offered yet another chance to convince anyone capable of thinking for themselves that fascism has already arrived, and is here to stay. I just mention Israel's act of state terrorism (the murder of a Hamas leader in Dubai using forged Australian and other nations passports) as a sideline, and skip to the outrageous hypocrisy related to events closer to my temporary home.
Let's start instead with the Australian's government protection of corporate criminals. Not, I'm not referring to Richard Pratt, who was honoured with a state funeral for ripping off each and every Australian, that's old news. This time it's about Stern Hu, the Rio Tinto executive who has finally admitted taking bribes. Rio Tinto starts distancing themselves now from their manager, while Kevin Rudd doesn't look like he is ever going to excuse towards the Chinese government for whitewashing Hu without any other evidence for his innocence besides Hu's Australian passport and employment for a multinational company with Australian headquarters. Rudd ranted about the 'injust' judicial system in China, vouching for a now confessing criminal.
Considering the cases of David Hicks, Benbrika and Dr. Haneef it becomes obvious that the Australian judicial system no longer deserves to be called just, or even democratic. A country that abuses its own secret service to set up a terror cell, and then sends a patsy for an ASIO suggested thought crime for 20 years in prison has lost credibility in pointing out flaws of other countries legal system.
Fingerpointing, however, is typical strategy of fascist regimes, which no longer need a personalised flaghead like Hitler, Mussolini or Stalin. It's a systematical denial of responsibility for the removal of civil rights in their own country. Germany didn't invade Poland, they just defended themselves against the threatening invasion, at least according to their own propaganda. Australia doesn't neglect international rights of refugees when patrolling their Northern water, they just 'defend themselves against a flood of illegal immigrants', at least according to their official propaganda.
Which is the second outrageous bit of hypocrisy in today's news. While the ADF engages in two illegal wars that produce masses of refugees, Australia deny these refugees shelter. Now that's fascism pure. Not only do they destroy the livelyhood of people in other countries, they do their best to make the lives of those who escaped from the terror that was brought into their home countries even more miserable.
All of that happens in a country with the lowest population density in comparison to other industrialised nations, where imbecile politicians actively prevent intelligent solutions that could easily extend the opportunity to host more people. Fear, violence and paranoia are the services provided by the government for its population, while public assets have been handed over to international companies. But like in Germany 80 years ago, the general population is distracted by governmental propaganda and outright lies, and as long as citizens wait for historians to declare their country as corporatist state they happily pay ever more taxes for their own imprisonment and withdrawal of civil rights.
Don't get me wrong, I don't think Australia is an exemption. Globalisation, and the development of technology, make it now possible to pervert the idea of democracy on a planetary scale, which makes it even more important that citizens reclaim their rights locally, instead of deluding themselves in the false security of pointing their fingers to other 'evil' societies. Ignorance helped Nazi-Germany flourish, and it has helped Australia converting into a corporate controlled political puppetry. And more TV and less free internet access complete the process to reinstate this continent as massive prison.