Friday, October 26, 2012

Lawless police

Today, another protest against the detainment of Bradley Manning, and the crimes against humanity committed by the US government exposed by Wikileaks, took place in front of the US consulate in Melbourne.

As it was already the third time we managed to organise this legal form of political protest, basically a sit-in, we were familiar with some people involved, like the friendly and sympathetic receptionist, and some of the police. The building manager had changed since we've been there last time. While he seemed less angry than the last one, he still didn't like political protest in 'his' premises.

The last sit-in lasted three hours, so this time we were well prepared to enjoy ourselves while being there. We had some music and food, and prepared some little scenes and speeches to make it a joyful happening. The cause, however, is less funny - Obama's drone war, Bradley Mannings incarceration for years, most of it in solitary confinement, declaring Wikileaks and its confederates as 'Enemy of the state', the Grand Jury against Assange, who is held hostage in the Ecuadorian embassy in London.

Learning from their last experience, whoever was responsible to enforce mob law on civil protestors, decided on a faster course of action. And yo a more intimidating and finally violent approach. Police observing the protest initially were quite edgy, carried their guns and actively engaged in house-keeping, removing the flyers we patched to the doors of the embassy.

CIRT (Critical Incidence Response Team), the muscle of the corporate impostor government, arrived with more troops in riot gear, squads from a variety of police stations got into their gloves, ready to rough up the protest.

As I have some good reasons not to get into violently enforced laws, I took care of the belongings of some of my friends, left the building and awaited for the inevitable unlawful eviction. I positioned myself in front of the door, sheltered from the rain and got my camera ready. One of the police clowns approached me and ask me to move on, which I politely declined initially.

'Move away!', 'Sorry, sir, you got no right to ask me to move on'. 'It's for you own safety, it could dangerous for when we remove the protestors.' 'So you're intending to do something dangerous?' 'I don't engage with your semantics.'

The police officer then asked me about the things I put down temporarily, suggested I could join my mates to be forcefully removed, so I moved a couple of metres away, into the rain, still waiting for the eviction.

I dropped the things I took care of next to a table belonging to the cafe next door, still in good sight of the four police clowns readying themselves for some action. One of the youngest of them came over and asked me for ID, which I politely declined with: 'I don't think I'm obliged to give you my ID.'

He moved back, and when I dropped my cigarette butt (I know, smoking is bad, littering as well, but, hell, I got nervous and uncomfortable), one of the clowns marched over to me: 'Give me your ID, I have to fine you for throwing away burning litter!' Luckily, I got backup in the ensuing attempt to contract me to accept a fine, and managed to remove myself from police, put the belongings of my mates into the car and chill for a while.

When we went to debrief into a cafe opposite the embassy, things escalated again. Our independent journalist demanded to identify the cop that pushed him during the eviction, and got done badly. As we still could see what happened, most went back to look after him, and they arrested a young woman, pushed several others to the ground, and took her and the journo on a ride.

Similar to other evictions, they simply drove them off the scene and dropped them somewhere in St. Kilda on the side of the road. When we regrouped with the arrested, the woman had gone into shock, and lay on the pavement in the rain. By the time ambulance arrived to take care of her, people with video evidence could show the medics how police had assaulted her.

The amount of laws broken by police, and their attitude was mostly shocking. In first place, removing the protestors from the inside of the building was unlawful - places of business are similar to public space, and removing someone wanting to talk to a representative of the US consulate in front of it, causing neither damage or danger to persons and property, not even following any sort of protocol, is unlawful.

The rough handling of some the protestors technically is assault, and arresting someone nominally, without a charge, and just dropping them off somewhere constitutes basically kidnapping. The Stanford Prison Experiment has shown convincingly that entitling people with a uniform effectively removes them from personal responsibility, and often of empathy, and turns them into beasts.

While we did our best to alleviate the psychological harm and trauma inflicted, and the bruises caused by brutal handling won't last for long, it's simply unacceptable to have people ostensibly representing the government acting like the muscle of the mafia.

We stood up to injustice in non-violent, lawful ways, and the authorities came down on us like thugs of a fascist, impostor government. Because that's what they are. They get paid to inflict injustice on regular people, while we do it to stand up for a healthy, just society. It's kind of sad that it takes some of us getting beaten up to make a tiny media blip, especially if it's just in Murdoch press.

Yet without resistance, the next generation will be born into inescapable servitude, and no one will remember the god-given right to freedom, so many people in history have fought for. And as we are aware of the policy of intimidation to enforce pretend law, we will not give up.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Weather modification

While many people believe in the devil CO2 being responsible for global warming, the issue has much more complexity than I initially thought. I was wondering why I haven't seen many distinct chemtrails lately, well, I got more to do than peeping at the sky all day, and I didn't want to get to paranoid about being what might be in the artificial clouds we're exposed too. In the last three months or so, even without a chessboard pattern in the sky, I noticed lots of clouds that simply didn't look real.

Anyway, I came across a video explaining more of the mechanics of solar radiation management. In order to create clouds, you need water vapor and seeds. This can be done in two steps, first bringing out the seeds, and then using 'normal' air traffic to provide the necessary water vapor, as by-product of the normal engine exhaust.

I checked the weather forecast this morning, as I wanted to do my laundry, and it said 21-26 degree, mostly sunny. While it was relatively warm, I didn't see too much sun, but some toxic looking greyish soup most of the day. Okay, I admit, this might be just my paranoid explanation.

On a facebook group somebody linked NASA's earthview, offering satellite images of the entire planet. It doesn't only offer to show clouds, but also measures other data about the atmosphere. As I learned in the video, the seeding agents can be brought out before the actual clouds are created, in the form of aerosols.

The satellites measure the aerosol content (the coloured patches in the image) by its albedo, meaning by the reflectiveness. One concept of solar radiation management proposes to alleviate global warming by reflecting sunlight away from the earth. The coloured areas show therefor something in our atmosphere which aren't 'natural' clouds, and it's easy to see some areas that don't align with the cloud cover.

One the bigger version, it's easy to see that the patches of aerosol move east, mainly covering Victoria and the West Australian coast. The red area (highest density) increased in the last few days, making it easy assume that lots of aerial spraying happened around Perth, Melbourne and Tasmania, a bit less in the Darwin area.

As I've seen lots of photos taken of chemtrails in Victoria from the same period of time, this composite satellite image confirms that our skies are badly messed with at the moment. I can't really tell what kind of junk is sprayed on us, but these images leave little doubt that currently a lot of artificial cloud coverage is produced here.

Considering that the Earth's atmosphere is tiny and fragile, experimenting with it feels like Russian roulette to me. However, this satellite data should provide enough evidence for the doubters that weather modification in large scale already happens, without knowledge and consent of the wider population.

Thursday, October 18, 2012


I breathe in, I breathe out,
the voice in my mind still loud,
I breathe in, I breathe out,
wonder what it's all about.

I consume, I produce,
I feel good in my shoes,
I consume, I produce -
creativity on the loose.

I go up, I go down,
still with a frown,
I go up, I go down
and feel like a clown.

In a world of constant madness
I foster my frequent sadness.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Some fire from Iceland

Birgitta Jónsdóttir (English)

"...A message from me to everyone protesting today:) Specially my friends in Portugal.

Dear brothers and sisters

I truly wish I could be with you in person, for I miss the protests we used to have in Iceland in the wake of our financial crisis in 2008/2009. I miss the spirit and the sense of unity we all felt together who showed up at the protests. I am with you in spirit and everyone else rising up today. People all over the world are awakening to the fact that our systems are no longer working for us. The systems are self sustainable in defending themselves instead of the people that they should be serving: YOU.

Let us never forget that we are the system, we are the government, and if we want to change it we have to go inside it and create a bridge between the power and the people. I am a poet first, thus I choose to see me either as a poetician or a hacker in Parliament, I went in there in order to understand how to bring more power to the people of Iceland.

It was our brothers and sisters of the revolution in Argentina that started to use pots and pans when revolting against their corrupt president and IMF a few years ago. We were inspired by them. Now you are inspired by us. Let us remember that even the smallest suffering or joy of someone else in our world is indeed ours, for we are one.

The ideologies of the old school of politics, media, monetary systems, corporations , and all known structures are in a state of transformation. They are crumbling. Now is the time for fundamental change on all levels, we have to seize this moment. Because this is THE moment.

It is rare that generations and so many individuals get such an opportunity to transform the world as we know it. The big question is how do we transform it? Lets change the pyramid of power into a circle of power where everyone is valued just as much.

It is obvious that we are running out of planet, many people have lost the vital connection to our environment, most of humanity doesn’t comprehend cause and effect of lack of sustainability anymore and many of us feel lost, displaced and lonely. All the structures we thought would take care of us, be it systems, ideologies, religion, politics or institutions are failing. Big time!

To follow the heart and guts as a poetician makes a lot more sense to me then the rivalry and manipulations of left or right ideology. The right and wrong ideology of the old world has simply outgrown itself. No longer do we have strong parliaments with a direct link between the general public and decision maker. We have so called professional politicians that are far removed from the reality most of us live in.

Parties and politicians are often in an unhealthy marriage with corporations and corruption is thriving in the political arena all over the world. Many governments and politicians talk about transparency yet the process of politics and laws is shredded in secrecy.

We need to change this. We have to know what we want instead of this reality we are confronting.

The 21st century will be the age of us, the common people, where we will understand that in order to live in the reality we dream of, we have to participate and help co-create that reality.

I strongly encourage you to join a movement for change, run for office, be part of this opportunity of change. If I could become an MP in the Icelandic parliament, anyone can become a member of parliament.

Here is our first task: If there is something we have to make sure stays under the guardianship of nations not corporations then it is the following, water companies, energy companies, social welfare, education, the internet and health systems.

We have made everything so complex and grand, perhaps it is time to return to more simple ways, more self sustainable ways, we can do that by learning from each other, by helping each other locally and globally and by remembering that we as individuals can change the world, and now is the time to step forward – take on that challenge and be the change maker. Don’t expect others to do it, your time has arrived to make a difference!"

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Offensive defence

Like the bees make their honey,
You want the truth to be funny,
with no further thought to invest,
just pleasant and easy to digest.

And then, in a state of confusion,
after another destroyed illusion,
you think the world's insane
and begin to complain.

Life goes up, life goes down,
a smile is just an upside frown.
If you seek eternal pleasure,
your acts will lose all measure,
your deeds will become a disgrace,
until truth smacks you in the face.

Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Geometry of life

Once we overcome the idea of duality we can experience that is all one. All matter, all movement emerges at the infinite border of space, with the border similarly elusive like a fractal. While we get educated to believe in this existence of matter, our experience provides us with a series of qualities, reflecting various forms of energetic interaction.

The indoctrinated believe in the existence of matter has shaped a language not well suited to describe energetic transaction in easy understandable terms. Our language literally and legally enslaves us - the fiction of a legal person implies we are technically deceased. That's the reality behind the term zombie apocalypse: The identification with the legal person, inculcated by education, tradition and medie, creates an army of human beings which are literally treated as dead meat, and shamefully sucked of their life energy, expressed in the money they received in exchange for labour.

The Oneness of everything remains an elusive concept when our language creates divisions, which according to Aristotelian thinking appear to be mutually exclusive. Believing in Oneness while taking divisions too seriously creates cognitive dissonance. You probably want to avoid building your concept of this universe on swampy foundations.

As balls on a pool table, pushed around by invisible forces in a mechanically universe, we can detect pattern, most of which will not really introduce the idea of choice. When we transform the pool table into a Mandelbrot set, and surf along the borders we can detect many patterns and constellations. The Oneness fills up with Suchness, depending on our specific perspective.

I consider the Mandelbrot set as interface between matter of space. Distinction created by observation brings 'matter' about, which implies that the idea of finding the 'material' core of the creation of matter can never succeed. The Hadron collider proves rather that no matter how small our measurements get, we have to hypothesise the 'existence' of something smaller.

The scientific world currently ventures on a quest to prove Aristotle's idea of 'isness', while more and more people operate on experiencing and manifesting suchness. While the suchness incorporates many self-similar patterns, it lacks real uniformness. Transformation, dynamism and unpredictability of chaos blow minds firmly trained in Newtonian/Aristotelian believes.

The chaos of the Mandelbrot set disrupts the conditioning about a well ordered universe. The 'isness' rather describes the rules of the creation of matter than anything material at all. We just experience the permanent transformation of energy, which in turn manifests the 'material' world of our common sense reality.

We get caught up in the trap on focussing on matter, the source of distinction but not of division. We learned to vibrate with the rhythms of life while acting often just like dead matter. Luckily, life energy provides us with some resilience towards the often toxic of effects of cognitive dissonance.

Life energy resonates within its surroundings, we literally tune into the vibrational fields around us. Our body busies itself in every living moment adjusting the electro-chemical constellation require to deal with a given experience. Chemical reactions, as well as electric flow create fields, which affect similar distinctions which can resonate with them.

Memes determine the base frequency of our signature vibration, which makes us individual. Jung's archetypes reflect a memepool to understand some re-occurring patterns of life. We can only accept those patterns of life as reality which have no cognitive dissonance associated to them. The believe in matter restricts the range of frequencies we can tune into and resonate with.

Language itself comes with 'frequency restrictions'. Our multi-sensorial input needs understanding of composition as much as it needs an understanding of division or distinction. To comprehend the connectedness of the universe our memes need to support thinking linking the transformation of energy towards creation, maintenance and destruction.

These three base processes join transformation itself, establishing the four corners or sides of the tetrahedron. The feedback loop capable of describing the essentials of any energetic process, any 'movement'. The primal distinction describes the direction in which this tetrahedron spins, positive or negative, left or right, up or down, forward or back, inwards or outward, yin or yang.

Simple rules shape a universe with an infinite amount of aspects, based on a geometry describing  building patterns glued together with a fractal, holographic space. Common reality resonates, all along the available octaves and hues of perception. Cutting through the matrix in purely abstract, verbal manner can leave scars, taking a long term to heal. It also closes the open door to the rabbit hole, which will reappear in a new constellation of same basic energy dynamics.

Beauty can and is found in destruction, maintenance and creation. Hollywood glorifies mainly the principat destruction within the 'material' world, producing a latent fear-inducing trauma based on clinging to the solidity and permanence of 'things'.Nature uses geometry to produce beauty, or at least geometry can be found in beauty.

Destruction expresses much of the immediate chaos inherent in fractals, the flower of life represent maintenance the creation of boundaries within the infinite, which in this universe are maintained by al the shapes that can be derived from the flower of life, which in the end creates seemingly random diversity.

Frequency and amplitude determine the reach of any emanation. The amplitude can be increased by synchronisation, maintaining the frequency needs repetition before it 'self-ignites'. Even then, it just means another area of exploration. Anyway, re-programming the mind to let go of 'matter' to grasp more of the liveliness of the universe remains an ongoing challenge, depending on the influence we can 'materialise' in our immediate environment.

Saturday, October 06, 2012

Incidentally funny

Looking at the global state of affairs, facing the truth about what's really going on on this planet, can be quite depressing. After I chalked an Orwell quote in front of the State Library, 'In times of universal deceit, speaking the truth becomes a revolutionary act', I got into a chat with someone trying to sponsor an NGO, taking care of children in Africa or so.

Before she could give me her spiel, I used the opportunity to give her mine. I updated her about the latest sit-in in the US consulate, Bradley Manning and Wikileaks and the enemy of the state role, war crimes and drone wars. Basically, lots of stuff the main stream media doesn't bother to tell, still information available to anyone who knows what to look for.

Although I tried my very best to convince her that humans are basically harmless, and hinted a lot that government is the real problem, I received probably a typical reaction to handing out a red pill in what I considered a mild verbal dosis. "I feel a little depressed now." came back, after I mentioned that Obama signs the kill orders for the drone war. Oops.

Silly me. I guess I thought the nice girl was maybe interested in me, as a person, and not just as a potential name on the email list for the charity she was working for. When I noticed that her approach to make this world a better place differed a bit from mine, I stepped back to listen to the NGO story she tried to sell.

Who can resist an appeal to one's purse when images of hungry black toddlers are shown? Well, I could easily. When I came across a map of the world in the material she presented to me, I was mildly amused that Australia wasn't even on the map. 'You know, it shows all the countries we're involved in helping children', as if nothing is wrong in this country.

Would somebody, please, think about the children? In retrospect, it seems like a clash of civilisation happened. I happily assume that someone working for an NGO has this weird idea of making the world a better place, which motivates me to expose myself as 'enemy of the state US' by protesting in front of their embassy, to show the hypocrisy of Australian politics that send in the police to end this kind of protest, to chalk messages in public places. Basically, making a dick of myself in public, for no other returns than the experiences I gain.

So there we are, two human beings in front of the library, united in our good intentions, yet worlds apart. Me, appealing to the community I live in, pointing out what's happening in front of our doorstep, for the sake of it, she, wanting to help poor kids in some distant countries, and getting paid for it.

Yet in a way, we used a similar strategy - using information to appeal to our hearts to do something, pointing out some 'bad stuff' on this planet. While I'm happy with planting seeds, without offering any specific solution besides probably daring a bit more a walk your talk, her solution comes easier.

I admit, unless people that walk their talk become more numerous, quietening one's conscience with a donation to starving kids in Africa has more appeal. It takes at least the Hegelian triangle to prevent people from feeling overly depressed when confronted with some unpleasant truth. Or a good dosis of humour.