Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Geometry of life

Once we overcome the idea of duality we can experience that is all one. All matter, all movement emerges at the infinite border of space, with the border similarly elusive like a fractal. While we get educated to believe in this existence of matter, our experience provides us with a series of qualities, reflecting various forms of energetic interaction.

The indoctrinated believe in the existence of matter has shaped a language not well suited to describe energetic transaction in easy understandable terms. Our language literally and legally enslaves us - the fiction of a legal person implies we are technically deceased. That's the reality behind the term zombie apocalypse: The identification with the legal person, inculcated by education, tradition and medie, creates an army of human beings which are literally treated as dead meat, and shamefully sucked of their life energy, expressed in the money they received in exchange for labour.

The Oneness of everything remains an elusive concept when our language creates divisions, which according to Aristotelian thinking appear to be mutually exclusive. Believing in Oneness while taking divisions too seriously creates cognitive dissonance. You probably want to avoid building your concept of this universe on swampy foundations.

As balls on a pool table, pushed around by invisible forces in a mechanically universe, we can detect pattern, most of which will not really introduce the idea of choice. When we transform the pool table into a Mandelbrot set, and surf along the borders we can detect many patterns and constellations. The Oneness fills up with Suchness, depending on our specific perspective.

I consider the Mandelbrot set as interface between matter of space. Distinction created by observation brings 'matter' about, which implies that the idea of finding the 'material' core of the creation of matter can never succeed. The Hadron collider proves rather that no matter how small our measurements get, we have to hypothesise the 'existence' of something smaller.

The scientific world currently ventures on a quest to prove Aristotle's idea of 'isness', while more and more people operate on experiencing and manifesting suchness. While the suchness incorporates many self-similar patterns, it lacks real uniformness. Transformation, dynamism and unpredictability of chaos blow minds firmly trained in Newtonian/Aristotelian believes.

The chaos of the Mandelbrot set disrupts the conditioning about a well ordered universe. The 'isness' rather describes the rules of the creation of matter than anything material at all. We just experience the permanent transformation of energy, which in turn manifests the 'material' world of our common sense reality.

We get caught up in the trap on focussing on matter, the source of distinction but not of division. We learned to vibrate with the rhythms of life while acting often just like dead matter. Luckily, life energy provides us with some resilience towards the often toxic of effects of cognitive dissonance.

Life energy resonates within its surroundings, we literally tune into the vibrational fields around us. Our body busies itself in every living moment adjusting the electro-chemical constellation require to deal with a given experience. Chemical reactions, as well as electric flow create fields, which affect similar distinctions which can resonate with them.

Memes determine the base frequency of our signature vibration, which makes us individual. Jung's archetypes reflect a memepool to understand some re-occurring patterns of life. We can only accept those patterns of life as reality which have no cognitive dissonance associated to them. The believe in matter restricts the range of frequencies we can tune into and resonate with.

Language itself comes with 'frequency restrictions'. Our multi-sensorial input needs understanding of composition as much as it needs an understanding of division or distinction. To comprehend the connectedness of the universe our memes need to support thinking linking the transformation of energy towards creation, maintenance and destruction.

These three base processes join transformation itself, establishing the four corners or sides of the tetrahedron. The feedback loop capable of describing the essentials of any energetic process, any 'movement'. The primal distinction describes the direction in which this tetrahedron spins, positive or negative, left or right, up or down, forward or back, inwards or outward, yin or yang.

Simple rules shape a universe with an infinite amount of aspects, based on a geometry describing  building patterns glued together with a fractal, holographic space. Common reality resonates, all along the available octaves and hues of perception. Cutting through the matrix in purely abstract, verbal manner can leave scars, taking a long term to heal. It also closes the open door to the rabbit hole, which will reappear in a new constellation of same basic energy dynamics.

Beauty can and is found in destruction, maintenance and creation. Hollywood glorifies mainly the principat destruction within the 'material' world, producing a latent fear-inducing trauma based on clinging to the solidity and permanence of 'things'.Nature uses geometry to produce beauty, or at least geometry can be found in beauty.

Destruction expresses much of the immediate chaos inherent in fractals, the flower of life represent maintenance the creation of boundaries within the infinite, which in this universe are maintained by al the shapes that can be derived from the flower of life, which in the end creates seemingly random diversity.

Frequency and amplitude determine the reach of any emanation. The amplitude can be increased by synchronisation, maintaining the frequency needs repetition before it 'self-ignites'. Even then, it just means another area of exploration. Anyway, re-programming the mind to let go of 'matter' to grasp more of the liveliness of the universe remains an ongoing challenge, depending on the influence we can 'materialise' in our immediate environment.

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