Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I regained my faith in Australian democracy. Pope Rudd connected with God to glimpse into the future, and came back to invent emerging dangers. "As nations grow and become more affluent, they also update their military forces." So speaketh our elected prophet.

A typical aristotelian statement, a piece of Ruddian common sense. But then, an elected leader in a democrazy has to have clairvoyant powers, his disciples expect nothing less. And so the present does just not matter enough to act, the prophesied future demands all financial attention.

Unfortunately, yet typically, most visions of politico parasites appear dystopic, even paranoid. Seer Rudd spoke of water, energy and food shortages, unstable nations in the neighborhood, endangered sea transport. He could not imagine that human ingenuity has easily surpassed the expectations of most pessimists by far, especially in the 20th century. The information revolution has just started, and the increase in number of life supporting inventions still accelerates. Although too many people still live in misery most people in the western world enjoy a wealth not available to the regents 200 years ago.

Consequently, the OECD report that showed the second least spending for education amongst industrialised nations, causes no worries to the Chosen One. Rudd worries along this lines: Some Asian nation will overtake Australia economically, and then use this power to buy better military equipment. Their superior marine and fighter jets will easily take over Australia, public bbqs will be transformed into woks, street sign will show cryptic letters in Asian alphabets, innocent blond surfer girls will be raped by vicious Asian invaders.

So instead of fostering education, which could see the emergence of solutions for problems like sustainable use of water, energy and food, better cultural understanding to lower the probability of the barbaric policy of warfare, Kevin's friend in the military industrial complex redirect heaps of taxpayer's money into their pockets.

Without enlightened leaders like Kevin, who knows for sure that war will come Australia's way, subversive believers in democracy like me might suffer from the delusion that provision of public infrastructure, education and efficient health systems identify a healthy and wealthy nation.


Anonymous said...

pope rudd: from his mouth to god's ears, yeah?


Winston Smith said...

god has been kidnapped by joint forces of the Exclusive Brethren and Scientology. He is held hostage in the unused PM lodge in Canberra, so Kevin has indeed direct access to god's ear. Yet no matter how hard he tries, god doesn't believe any of his smartly disguised bullshit.

Oh my fucking god, now I have used this dangerous 3 letter meme already 3 times. and why does the word pedophile jump into my mind when ever I heard the name Kevin Rudd?