Monday, January 05, 2009

Elegy for Gaza

When I returned from the beach,
being for two weeks outta reach,
the world raged again in madness,
and my joy was replaced by sadness.

I call it yet another genocide,
even if it sounds not right,
coz Germany fought with all might
to own this term's copyright.

Now Israel stroke again,
and let me say this plain:
They totally lost all measure,
as if killing led to pleasure.

No war, none!, can be ever just,
coz most people you can trust.
Just a chosen few remain evil,
with a mindset older than medieval.

To end this world wide frown
simply bring all government down.
Free people can organise this earth,
corporatism sells our planet's hearse.

Getting rid of the parasites on top
is by far no easy job.
But we can only gain
to stop the bringers of pain.

Their power is our trust,
our misery is their lust.
If we stop this silly game,
our world can't remain the same.

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