Sunday, March 15, 2009

I went out to see what's there -
As if I'd really care.
But then the wall spoke to me,
a weird message as you can see.

My neurons silently started screaming -
is there any bloody meaning?
I didn't stop with just one word,
only to find the next best fnord.

Seeing the invisible
hearing angels sing
mind and body indivisible
quite a spaced out thing.

There was no need for speed
to meditate about booze and weed,
just a silent satisfaction
about yet another distraction.


Anonymous said...

man, this city is synchronicity city.

Winston Smith said...

Is it? How does it synch to you? Woohoo... Melbs is Syn City, chronically. It feels like I never lived in better times.

Anonymous said...

yeah, so i was minding my own biz, paddling in what i thought were the unexplored shallows of the syncromystic beach, when all of a sudden there's a massive tsunami in the syncrosurf, then the next thing i remember, i - - -

Anonymous said...

- - - wait, what was i saying?

Anonymous said...

so i don't know how it syncs to me, it just kinda dose, dig?