Monday, August 31, 2009

Conspiracy again

Debunking conspiracy theories gets a bit more elegant. Four Corners showed a BBC program 'debunking' a specific consiracy video called 7/7 ripple effect. Like always, the art lies in omission of some of the most mysterious aspects of this attack, combined with ad hominem attacks against some of the producers of these kind of videos that 'undermine the trust in government', and of course a lot emotional appeals.

To be honest, I don't care too much about what exactly happened on the 7th of July 2003 in London. From what I can tell for sure, about 50 people died in 3 three nearly simultaneous bombings on the subway, a forth bomb exploded about an hour later on a bus. I don't condone terror attacks in any way, yet I try to be as compassionate about the loss of innocent life as I can. On that day not only 50 people fell victim to this bomb attack, but about 27,000 children died to maintain global capitalism, like today, and any other day in this century. That's roughly 10 million children each year, sacrificed on the altar of the cruel game of real-life capitalist monopoly.

So if something really sickens me, it's the blatant ignorance of the casualties of the greed of those in power, and unlike terrorism, no government I know of jumps frantically into action to ease this silent, permanent suffering. Here in Australia, corporate sponsors of Saddam Hussein, won't even be held responsible for their immoral behaviour which most likely financed death and torture of much more than 50 people. In case you have no idea what I'm referring to, feel free to refresh your memory of the AWB scandal.

While the corporate war against everyone not born with a golden spoon in their mouth unimpeded continues, ABC raises awareness about the dangers of 'conspiracies'. And it does so in weird ways. One of key points of the 7/7 conspiracies is the allegation that the bombs in the subway were attached underneath the train. The only visual evidence shown in this mockumentary is a hole in a train carriage with metal bending upwards, while the commentary refers to eye witness accounts claiming the opposite. I can't tell whether this shot shows one of the targeted trains, if so, it proves simply an explosion from underneath.

Charles de Menezes found no mentioning at all. No surprise, as this mockumentary aimed in reinstating the myth of the goodness of government, the execution of an innocent man in public by the Metropolitan Police could raise some doubts about the infallibility of the governments attacks to protect life. The lies of Blair government, which supported the US invasion in Iraq, remain unmentioned as well. Why should the viewer be confused by a government willingly killing much more than 50 people in a foreign country with all its military might in a foreign country, when this piece of 'edutainment' wants to prove its undoubtable goodness?

Australia introduced thought crimes into its legislation, and the fear of terror needs reaffirmation. That seem the motivation to dig up some of the more bizarre conspiracy theories floating through the internet. It's all a matter of trust. Trust the mighty, trust the coalition of the willing, which has killed more than a million people in this young century (of course, exclusively in other countries.....), yet fear the highly inefficient 'terrorists', which didn't even kill 10,000 people in the cradle of violently enforced capitalism. And ignore ten thousands of starving kids daily, ongoing genocides throughout the world of indigenous people for psychopathic corporations.

What a wonderful, wonderful world.

created at


Anonymous said...

maybe i'll "debunk" the conspiracy that is four corners, see how they like it...

starting with the syncrolinguistic significance of the name "four corners."

Anonymous said...

notes towards an investigation:

"you know, i don't believe there's such a thing as tv.

i mean they just keep showing you the same pictures over & over.

& when they talk they just make sounds that more or less sync up with their lips.

that's what i think."

ref: laurie anderson

Winston Smith said...

You surprise me over and over again. Do you have access to my youtube playlist? Investigation and such? Or is the 'Language is a virus' reoccurence just another weird synchronicity?

I don't believe there's such a thing like a reality. And I was singing other bits of this song with a mate this morning.

Heil Eris, Prinzessin der Scheiben

Anonymous said...

no access to your youtube playlist but yes to access to "homoeopathic" doses of lsd.

i'm experimenting with doses.

it's fun.

future syncronauts will note that "homoeopathic" doses of lsd have no discernible side effects, except increased levels of awesomeness & [maybe] a sometimes exaggerated sense of self-aggrandisement.

[& a small amount of glossolalia.]

Anonymous said...

more importantly, what about "syncrolinguistics"?

it's my new meme.

i know!

Winston Smith said...

sounds you're having fun playing with the universe. I heard homeopathic doses of acid can be experienced by exposure to senders.

or was that just in the universe next door?

Winston Smith said...

You mentioned self-aggrandisement before. I would happily pat your real shoulder for that when in reach.

Anonymous said...

at the moment i'm having fun with your anti-spam coder thing.


Winston Smith said...

You are now wandering in the Third Bardo.
As a sign of this, look into a mirror and you will not see your usual self
[look into a mirror].
At this time you must form a single, firm resolve in your mind.
This is very important.
It is like directing the course of a horse by the use of the reins.
Whatever you desire will come to pass.
Think not of evil actions which might turn the course of your mind.
Remember your spiritual relationship with me,
Or with anyone from whom you have received teaching.
Persevere with good games.
This is essential.
Be not distracted.
Here lies the boundary line between going up or down.
If you give way to indecision for even a second,
You will have to suffer misery for a long, long time,
Trapped in your old habits and games.
This is the moment.
Hold fast to one single purpose.
Remember good games.
Resolve to act according to your highest insight.
This is a time when earnestness and pure love are necessary.
Abandon jealousy.
Meditate upon laughter and trust.
Bear this well at heart.

Anonymous said...

well, alright.

Anonymous said...

meditate upon laughter, that's pretty funny.

Winston Smith said...


Anonymous said...

like i said, that's some language you krauts got happening there.

so now this, to clear the pallet.

i mean, to meditate upon laughter.