Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Global warming has hit the heisen-ice-berg. Global media spreads a meme that implements a low-threshold fear activator in the hive mind. The observer influences the experiment, the amount of life energy invested can amplify these influences.

Internet, TV, radio and other forms of information transmission promote this global fear straight to the reptilian brain, plug it straight into the sub-consciousness. The dominators keep the meme alive by constant repetition, the fear based economy thrives.

Billions of people synchronise their fear with symbolic events like rock concerts or lights-out events and create a massive amount of energy around the vision of a hotter planet. The observer influences the experiment, SBS reports accelarating global warming.

What would happen if billions of people join their energy to abolish the systems of violence the dominators use? Would Bucky Fullers dream come true and every human being could participate in the abundance offered by our living planet?

I wonder whether I should laugh or cry when I see successful application of the secret on a larger scale for dubious reasons.

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