Sunday, January 17, 2010

"My choices, believe me, are infinite, easy.
Exciting and mystical choices before me.
They tell me my life is a journey in no government."

Nicolette dares to dream about a time with no government, while this thought alone suffices to induce night mares and fear reaction in most people. However, would really so much change without government?

The promises of Certainty and Stability lure a lot of people into the firm belief in the necessity of government. The only certainty government brings is taxes, death comes for free. Stability is an illusion that contradicts human experience - again, death is the only 'stabilizing' factor in human experience.

Of course, people will die with no government as well. Building and maintaining communal infrastructure doesn't come for free either, but that's not an issue. Most people don't mind contributing to their community, unfortunately they trust governments to use their money wisely. Using the infrastructure built by taxes often costs extra: You still pay for Medicare, public transport, education and pension.

Many deaths could be avoided, though. Most obviously, those caused by the temporary insanity of governments called war. But governments have no power to shape society (unless they aim for fascism), they are just pawns of the global corporations. The legal systems of this planet empowered corporations to act in sheer self-interest, literally allowing them to walk over dead bodies.

Yet, no battle can and will bring down the sinister partnership of government and corporations. Only the desire for freedom opens the eyes for the uselessness of government. It doesn't take the saviour to dispel evil, it takes the will to responsibility from citizens to stop financing the useless and cruel game of party politics.

Any government that hides anything can not be trusted with anything. Do you rather trust your neighbor or a set of conventions to enslave the majority of people?

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