Saturday, February 05, 2011

Diary of despair

While nature demonstrates her unpredictable powers in Australia, politicians show their fondness of Orwellian Newspeak. Australia's government didn't hesitate to speak up for convicted drug smugglers facing the death penalty, yet leaves Julian Assange in the cold.

Human rights apply only to fair-skinned Australians, only as long as they're not suspected to be terrorists. The native population is still treated like cattle under the 'intervention' policy, a mad move from Howard to reinstate Herrenmensch ideals into Australian politics. Countless asylum seekers died while approaching Australian shores, while others live in privately run detention centres that remind me of concentration camps.

In a democracy, laws should apply to everyone equally, anything else reeks of disguised despotism. Gillard insists that Assange's charges "got to be worked through proper process". The process that happens in Europe is unheard of, laws have been bend to hold Assange hostage like it never happened before. In dictatorships, people can be held indefinitely without any evidence. Being friendly, even submissive towards a regime that practices such deliberate ignorance of human rights in several illegal wars and torture camps like Baghram and Guantanamo Bay, Gillard's stance doesn't surprise me.

Wikileaks attempts to hold governments and companies accountable for their actions. I can be arrested and/or fined just for being drunk where I live, yet Mr Brumby gave away public transport, and multiplied the costs for the tax payer to subsidise multinational companies, who basically can't cope with the demand. Several people spend the rest of their lives in high-security prisons (privately run) because ASIO had to produce terror suspects. Australia doesn't have laws for everyone, but special laws for industrial criminals like Pratt, sport stars, politicians, indigenous people, temporary workers, pensioners, etc.

If representants of governments don't want to be held accountable, they cannot call themselves 'public servants'. Germans were obliged to call their chancellor Führer (leader), and Hitler acted as one. Prime Minister is just a role within the political game. This game makes only sense to keep with more transparency and accountability than ever before in history. Nations have lost their prime position in economic terms long ago, nowadays there's hundreds of companies with a higher budget than even some of the most developed nations.

If politicians want to justify their privileges, they need to leave the murky shade of secrecy, and take responsibility. Gillard sides with the international crime network of governments, no fair go given for one of her fellow citizens.  

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