Monday, October 08, 2007

Obsessions come and go, some rigid, some flow. Technology attracts many people. I cannot resists its temptation, still believing in the opportunity of an utopian society. Technology fostered ephemeralization, getting more out of less, which creates an average wealth unknown from our limited historical perspective.

Although governments use technology for surveillance and control, spreading mobile communication widely around offers new opportunities to organise. The Internet has become a vital tool to coordinate resistance, wireless access can help leaving less traces.

Melbourne Wireless want to provide free community broadband network access, like some nice people that provide open access to passersby. I'm pretty sure the DS will help me massively tapping into this ethereal resources. However, this will involve reviving old coding skills. I can see heaps of networks, I just can't connect as yet... which is annoying.

Now for something completely different: Moore's Law will finance the revolution.

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