Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Somehow I started thinking about Australian values. Maybe it's because of the election time, maybe it's because of some remarkable statements by the PM of this country.

Richard Pratt, the Australian billionaire, confessed to price fixing together with the second supplier of the goods Mr. Prick sells. He feels bad about ripping off virtually every Australian, because he got caught. Even thought he used, in the good old drug dealer style, prepaid phones and secret locations for his nefarious negotiations.

Mr. Leader Howard steps in. As PM he is used to screw the Australian population (GST for the high life of dole bludging backbenchers!!!!), so he takes sides. Mr. Pratt is an honarary citizen of this country, even though in most nations he would end up in jail, while Dr. Haneef, who cares about the health of Australians, even though he is none, is chased away.

What do we learn from this? Government without control is tyranny. We screwed you, so what? We make the laws, so that we can screw you as much as like, and you even have to pay for it. Go to China, if you don't like it. Go fast, because if you don't shut up, you're a bloody terrorist and we send you to Christmas Island.

Even though it might change their attitude, I wouldn't want to send Johnny, Peter and Kevin to Guantanamo. Ditch them in the middle of their 'native' country. Their ancestors gloriously survived by living in cities, while committing genocide to the two-legged animals in Australia, so they know how to take the hardship of the land they raped and chose to live in.

If they manage to survive the desert, and have acquired private health care and a private pension while being there, we might welcome them back to the community. If not, they can inspect their investment of tax payers money in Christmas Island for the rest of their time.

But then, most people like being sheep. And so they truly believe things change, when another high-level dole bludger becomes PM. What on earth drove me to this jingoistic country? Anyway, the country that owns me isn't much better, so it doesn't really make a difference where i experience the advent of global tyranny.

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