Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Conception of a nation

While it took only six days to create the entire world, I plan for a bit more earth self-revolutions to give birth to a nation. I consider it a prosperous sign that Liberecujo was conceived on a monday, the start of the week.

We have only one planet, and so far it suffered a great deal from the gullibility of traditional nations, that got lured into the fearful visions of the multi-national madness of the military-industrial complex. As mankind, we have become aware of global challenges, yet the rotten, corrupt, self-interest driven national governments, and international organisations with similar psychopathic nature will rather literally crawl into a hole while the ecosystems of the planets collapse around them, then changing the rules in the interest of all humanity.

Instead of creating solutions, governments create more problem, democracy seized to exist since the start of the global terror campaign in 2001. Many good ideas exist how we can life sustainably and luxurious at the same time, nevertheless the myth of scarcity contributes to often dire living standards. Conventional governments agree on one slogan, like 'carbon tax', which reflect wishful thinking and general naivety.

To have less of the usual national stupidity, we can simply outnumber the war-driven, violent form of nation by creating thousands, if not millions of micro-nations. Mutual recognition could transform international cooperation into a truly democratic process, worthy of the special status of the human race in the game of evolution.

Of course, certain minimal standards should be provided. A simple legal systems, without any extraordinary status for corporations could shift the current legalised-robbery jurisdiction back into a system suitable for global justice. If one day a thousands of micro-nations, without any armies or weapons, but consent of their citizens, declare war on the UN, it has give into democratic pressure. This would mean as well the end of the war against the population, that most nations of this planet currently wage.

I don't expect that running a nation just happens, I suspect quite some work will be involved. The battle of constitutions begins, ruling a nation need creating the rules for your citizens. In long term, micro-nation could as well agree on using new virtual currencies, that make national and corporate currencies redundant. Citizenships for micro-nations to blow away the old power structures need to be fluid, explicitly trust and not evidence based.

The bureaucratic aspect of citizenship deserves more artistic than data-collecting attention. The initial small number of citizens allows a prime opportunity to shape the 'political' aspect of the nation. A micro-nation needs to provide benefits to its citizens in a fair exchange with obligations consented to. This differs from the traditional model of owning the citizens and black-mailing them into protection rackets, euphemistically called taxes.

In the game of evolution, few simple rules lead to unpredictable, often amazingly beautiful outcomes. The simple rule of government by violence creates rather ugly outcomes like torture camps, permanent war zones and environmental destruction in massive scales. Cooperation and non-violent competition are simple enough rules of engagement to establish a network of nations willing to save this planet.

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