Monday, December 12, 2011

Evolutionary creation myth

The planet asks for help. Lady Gaia fell sick, because a tiny part of mankind turned us into the greediest species nourished by her. Good news: The species that threatens Lady Gaia can also save her. If we walk together to help her, mankind as a whole can stop the madness of the global corporate state that grew into a psychopathic killer. The next step of evolution requires us to relinquish ownership of this planet and return to our function as custodians for the eco-systems we utilise, and the planet as whole.
Phase 0: The need for to care for every human being remains unanswered by the systems of society in control of the resources of planet. The abundance of this planet combined with accumulated knowledge is applied to fulfil egoistic wants of a tiny minority disconnected from the source of life.

Planning, Phase 1: Fire. It's time to act, this consciousness serves as inspiration and motivation for taking action to stop the system.

Presence, Phase 2: Earth. Fire creates Earth, the occupation as materialisation of the beginning of the resistance emanates.

Process, Phase 3: Metal. Communication and interaction forge the primary tools of the occupation: Respect, love and non-violence.

People, Phase 4: Water. Tools need an operator. Cooperation among different skills and backgrounds allows the application of these tools. All those tuned into the ego-less flow.

Products, Phase 5: Wood. Applied knowledge nurtures the products of the occupation, projects, direct action, physical structures, work groups, art, care and healing.

The lived experience feeds back into Phase 1, for further refinement.

Simultaneously, the phases counteract (control, destroy) each other.

Fire melts Metal. Our imagination limits the tools we specifically use. If fear motivates us, our tools will be blunt, love creates the nurturance to grow a balanced system.

Metal cuts Wood. When we apply we wrong set of tools, our projects will not contribute to growth.

Wood restricts Earth. What people can see of the occupation depends on the projects happening and materialising.

Earth dams Water. Although the organism 'occupation' can exist in separation, it wants to live in community and open space. It thrives by immediate interaction.

Water extinguishes Fire. Without cooperation, the inspiration remains limited. The diversity provides the wealth of ideas from which to harvest the best solution for the next challenge.

As super-organism, all phases are active in any moment, in different balances in each cell (ie occupier). The more balanced and aware about their function individual cells become, the more balanced the occupation as a whole can grow.

We're nurturing a global brain to heal Lady Gaia, we better become familiar with sustainable approaches to describe and think about life. OM lived through many cycles of this ancient map of life, and has already shown resilience to adversity. The antibiotic of a corporate regime failed, we already mutate fast. Evolution goes on, and it's increasing in speed.

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