Monday, July 02, 2012

8 circuits programming

Human experience is a wonderful thing, in fact, it's the only way the human form can access 'reality'. Behaviour depends largely on how well our needs are met, the environment around us. Yet what we perceive as our needs determines whether we nurture our 'self' or our 'false ego'.

It doesn't seem very common in the Western World to reflect on one's elementary needs, and the way we fulfil them. We don't need to reflect at all - most living beings very successfully master the school of life without self-aware thoughts. At least as far as we can tell.

Reflecting our own behaviour, the way we interact and connect to other and our environment, makes us human. Cultural behaviour patterns changed drastically over the centuries, yet consciousness creates also patterns of communality. Competition and cooperation describe one basic axis along which organisation happens, not mutually exclusive but in a blend of method, intention and challenge.

Exclusiveness describes best the most hazardous programming of the contemporary matrix. It's one of those words describing an 'ideal' situation which as such cannot exist in this universe. It's a part of the Aristotelian toolkit to stupefy the masses, distracting from the essential unity of all living beings.

Like Madonna in her song 'Material Girl', it's a common assumption in the general population that we live in a 'material' world. We get programmed to operate in a world of matter, manipulation 'real' things all the time. Matter, however, turns out to be a very persistent illusion, and much less solid than commonly believed.

Magic begins for a lot of people already in the realm of electronics, bits and bytes exceed comprehension. Or take at least some moments to be understood. Bits and bytes are the 'stuff' programs are made of, and the stuff programs manipulate. Data and program become indistinguishable unless they operate in their designed context.

Once the context is known, a mere 'data dump' allows to reconstruct the algorithm as well as the data. Hackers use this method to extract data from memory or to reverse engineer software. The human mind, the infallible tool exclusively exquisite in its evolutionary emanation, cannot fall prey to any hacking, or can it?

Whether minds can be hacked or not, a lot of money is made in selling specific methods to do it. NLP, Scientology or 'The Secret' taps into the desire to better control the outcome of interactions in our favour.

I ascribe much of these method's success to the fact that most human minds come pre-programmed with propaganda anyway. The global memepool is currently dominated by the most belligerent society in known history, maintaining a dystopic view of reality. The Disneyverse looks harmless on first sight, yet it sells mainly sex and violence.

The magic wands of Hollywood prepare gullible humans for a life of disguised slavery, serving a psychopathic minority that consider this planet their 'exclusive' playground. Lulled into the illusion that we as mankind are smarter than ever in history false believes enter irresistibly into the minds of the manipulated masses.

Civilisations have come and gone in known history, and most likely as well in unknown history. We covered our nudity fairly soon after our 'appearance' as species, displaying our ability to develop technology already 100,000s of years ago. We can only guess about the level of sophistication of bygone civilisations, assuming their inferiority shows pure hybris.

It seems likely that 'empires' emerged after civilisations. Cooperation yields collective advantages and creates wealth. As warfare doesn't contribute to the essential survival needs of a group, it requires a certain level of wealth to exist before it can manifest.

As humans required technology to transform from part of the food chain to the top predator the need for safety arose from the existence of highly successful predators that simply didn't respect our authority as masters of the universe. Lions, tigers, bears, even wolves and foxes just so survived the genocidal attacks of a mankind possessed by the idea of owning this planet.

If we know our environment, it provides us abundantly. The amount of mass migration following genocides, combined with environmental destruction of sparsely populated areas like rain forests means that less cultures survived in the 21st century which could share their ancient knowledge how to live on this planet.

Luckily, information cannot be destroyed unless it enters a black hole. While many lineages have been broken or distorted, it only requires the proper program to access the global consciousness. As each of us connects to the cosmic consciousness, many ways for individual access exist.

Unless many good teachers roam this planet, reprogramming yourself to venture into your own life, instead of following a carrot and stick drill on a daily basis, requires at least some work. Without doing things (thought experiments don't count) you will get stuck in your program. Customising your mind provides so much more fun than any cool desktop background.

While sharks still make the news on a yearly basis for chewing on humans, the statistical probability to fall prey to a predator are pretty low. The mosquito, combined with the Gates Foundation's greed, warrant most 'animal caused' human deaths. The fear of being hunted down transformed into the fear of being hunted down by diseases, which became our 'natural enemy'.

Again, the programming puts the perception into a slanted perspective. We learned to prevent causes of diseases, at least to a certain degree. Life style remains the Holy Grail that cannot be changed for the sake of better health. We have been deluded to mistake some wants for our needs. We want a quick fix, salvation now, which often seems like a disguised death wish.

Predators exist, diseases exist, nevertheless these threats to human survival seem essentially manageable, given a deeper understanding into the nature of life. Evolution necessitates maintaining and restoring health, we're the first species to have specialists for this task.

Not only have we found methods to extend individual life spans by some amazing medical procedures, we also can heal injuries of animals we favour to survive. The life around us supports us, provides us with the energy for own metabolism, and we developed means to support life in return.

Yet as long as we get stuck with the Armageddon programming that permeates many mainstream media productions, the abundance of solution for an seemingly insurmountable amount of problems remains invisible.

While it takes quite some time to program the subconscious from outside, it can be re-programmed amazingly fast. If something within the human nature resembles a computer, it's the binary structure of our subconscious.

On autopilot, we don't have time to evaluate complex data collections, binary decisions provide immediate action. Sex and safety belong to the essential triggers to activate subconscious programming, even the suggestion usually suffices to induce either mild arousal/desire or fear or both at the same time.

As most of us spend only little time per day truly 'conscious', especially in situation where our primary buttons are pressed, our subconscious programming determines most of our behaviour. As long as it is our own, there's no need to worry. Most programs, however, were implemented non-consensual as part of the cultural inheritance of the society we grew up in.

The implemented programs need reinforcement to stay active - two weeks holiday might be enough to losen the circuits, two days of rat race usually suffice to revert any positive effect. Withdrawal certainly works to a degree, yet it's less efficient than directly addressing the subconscious programming.

Removing some or much of cultural programming sharpens the lenses of perception. Once we understand how smoke and mirrors work, we can easier experience what's really there. A beautiful fractal pattern in perpetual motion: Life in this universe.

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